[not a] Kubernetes 101 - Pods, Deployments, and Services As an Attempt To Automate Age-Old Infra Patterns

Saim Safdar from the Cloud Native Islamabad community generously invited me to his channel to conduct a Kubernetes 101 workshop. However, as often happens, I found myself pulled in a slightly different direction:

What if you don't start with Pods, Deployments, and Services and instead take a step back and look at how things were done in the past with good old VMs? Can it help you understand Kubernetes faster and deeper?

Below, I present a more polished version of the workshop, enriched with illustrations and runnable examples. You can experiment with these examples directly in your browser on labs.iximiuz.com.

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Building a Firecracker-Powered Course Platform To Learn Docker and Kubernetes

This is a long overdue post on iximiuz Labs' internal kitchen. It'll cover why I decided to build my own learning-by-doing platform for DevOps, SRE, and Platform engineers, how I designed it, what technology stack chose, and how various components of the platform were implemented. It'll also touch on some of the trade-offs that I had to make along the way and highlight the most interesting parts of the platform's architecture. In the end, I'll, of course, share my thoughts on what's next on the roadmap. Sounds interesting? Then brace for a long read!

How I built my own learning-by-doing platform

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How To Publish a Port of a Running Container

The only "official" way to publish a port in Docker is the -p|--publish flag of the docker run (or docker create) command. And it's probably for good that Docker doesn't allow you to expose ports on the fly easily. Published ports are part of the container's configuration, and the modern infrastructure is supposed to be fully declarative and reproducible. Thus, if Docker encouraged (any) modification of the container's configuration at runtime, it'd definitely worsen the general reproducibility of container setups.

But what if I really need to publish that port?

For instance, I periodically get into the following trouble: there is a containerized Java monster web service that takes (tens of) minutes to start up, and I'm supposed to develop/debug it. I launch a container and go grab some coffee. But when I'm back from the coffee break, I realize that I forgot to expose port 80 (or 443, or whatever) to my host system. And the browser is on the host...

There are two (quite old) StackOverflow answers (1, 2) suggesting a bunch of solutions:

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What Actually Happens When You Publish a Container Port

If you're dealing with containers regularly, you've probably published ports many, many times already. A typical need for publishing arises like this: you're developing a web app, locally but in a container, and you want to test it using your laptop's browser. The next thing you do is docker run -p 8080:80 app and then open localhost:8080 in the browser. Easy-peasy!

But have you ever wondered what actually happens when you ask Docker to publish a port?

In this article, I'll try to connect the dots between port publishing, the term apparently coined by Docker, and a more traditional networking technique called port forwarding. I'll also take a look under the hood of different "single-host" container runtimes (Docker Engine, Docker Desktop, containerd, nerdclt, and Lima) to compare the port publishing implementations and capabilities.

As always, the ultimate goal is to gain a deeper understanding of the technology and get closer to becoming a power user of containers. Let the diving begin!

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Docker: How To Debug Distroless And Slim Containers

Slim containers are faster (less stuff to move around) and more secure (fewer places for vulnerabilities to sneak in). However, these benefits of slim containers come at a price - such containers lack (the much-needed at times) exploration and debugging tools. It might be quite challenging to tap into a container that was built from a distroless or slim base image or was minified using DockerSlim or alike. Over the years, I've learned a few tricks how to troubleshoot slim containers, and it's time for me to share.

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