You Don't Need an Image To Run a Container

As we already know, containers are just isolated and restricted Linux processes. We also learned that it's fairly simple to create a container with a single executable file inside starting from scratch image (i.e. without putting a full Linux distribution in there). This time we will go even further and demonstrate that containers don't require images at all. And after that, we will try to justify the actual need for images and their place in the containerverse.

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Not Every Container Has an Operating System Inside

Not every container has an operating system inside, but every one of them needs your Linux kernel.

Before going any further it's important to understand the difference between a kernel, an operating system, and a distribution.

  • Linux kernel is the core part of the Linux operating system. It's what originally Linus wrote.
  • Linux OS is a combination of the kernel and a user-land (libraries, GNU utilities, config files, etc).
  • Linux distribution is a particular version of the Linux operating system like Debian or CentOS.

To be technically accurate, the title of this article should have sounded something like Does container image have a whole Linux distribution inside? But I find this wording a bit boring for a title 🤪

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Working with container images in Go

I've been working on adding basic images support to my experimental container manager and to my surprise, the task turned to be more complex than I initially expected. I spent some time looking for ways to manage container images directly from my application code. There is plenty of tools out there (docker, containerd, podman, buildah, cri-o, etc) providing image management capabilities. However, if you don't want to have a dependency on an external daemon running in your system, or you don't feel like shelling out for exec-ing a command-line tool from the code, the options are at best limited.

I've reviewed a bunch of the said tools focusing on the underlying means they use to deal with images and at last, I found two appealing libraries. The first one is library "[...] aimed at working in various way with containers' images and container image registries". The second one is "[...] which aims to provide methods for storing filesystem layers, container images, and containers". The libraries are meant to be used in conjunction and form a very powerful image management tandem. But unfortunately, I could not find a sufficient amount of documentation, especially how to get started kind of it.

Without the docs the only way to learn how to use the libraries for me was to analyze the code of their dependants (most prominently - buildah and cri-o). It took me a while to forge a working example which is capable of:

  • pulling images from remote repositories;
  • storing images locally;
  • creating and mounting containers (i.e. writable instances of images).

In the rest of the article, I'll try to show how to use the libraries to perform the said task and highlight the most interesting parts of this journey.

Disclaimer: This is by no means an attempt to fully or even partially document the libraries!

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Implementing Container Runtime Shim: Interactive Containers

In the previous articles, we discussed the scope of the container runtime shim and drafted the minimum viable version. Now, it's time to move on and have some fun with more advanced scenarios! Have you ever wondered how docker run -i or kubectl run --stdin work? If so, this article is for you! We will try to replicate this piece of functionality in our experimental container manager. And as you have probably guessed, the container runtime shim will do a lot of heavy lifting here again.

conman - interactive container demo

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