Cracking the Docker CLI: How to Grasp Container Management Commands

When you are new to Docker (or Podman, or nerdctl, or alike), the number of commands to study might be truly overwhelming.

Docker tries to control the complexity of its CLI by employing a neat grouping technique. The first thing you see after running docker help is a list of so-called Management Commands - umbrella entry points gathering the actual commands by their area of responsibility. But even this list is no short, and it's actually a list of lists!

The list of Docker Management Commands.

Also, historically, many commands are known through their shorter but vaguer aliases - for instance, you'd rather stumble upon docker ps than docker container list in the wild. So, the struggle is real 🤪

However, there might be a way to internalize (at least some of) the most important Docker commands without the brute-force memorization!

The goal of this article is to show how a tiny bit of understanding of the containers' nature can help you master Docker's CLI, starting from the most foundational group of commands - commands to manage containers.

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Learning Docker with Docker - Toying With DinD For Fun And Profit

Here is a little exercise to deepen your understanding of containers... through toying with them 🧸 The goal is to show that containers aren't just Linux processes, they are also Linux files!

The idea is simple - take a Linux machine equipped with the Docker daemon and run on it a bunch of well-known commands like docker create|start|exec|... keeping a close eye on the machine's filesystem and hoping for an interesting discovery or two.

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How To Extend Kubernetes API - Kubernetes vs. Django

There are many ways to extend Kubernetes with custom functionality, starting from writing kubectl plugins and ending with implementing scheduler extensions. The exhaustive list of extension points can be found in the official docs, but if there were a ranking based on the hype around the approach, I bet developing custom controllers or operators, if you will, would win.

The idea behind Kubernetes controllers is simple yet powerful - you describe the desired state of the system, persist it to Kubernetes, and then wait until controllers do their job and bring the actual state of the cluster close enough to the desired one (or report a failure).

However, while controllers get a lot of the press attention, in my opinion, writing custom controllers most of the time should be seen as just one (potentially optional) part of the broader task of extending the Kubernetes API. But to notice that, a decent familiarity with a typical workflow is required.

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The Influence of Plumbing on Programming

I strive to produce concise but readable code. One of my favorite tactics - minimizing the number of local variables - usually can be achieved through minting or discovering higher-level abstractions and joining them together in a more or less declarative way.

Thus, when writing Go code, I often utilize io.Reader and io.Writer interfaces and the related io machinery. A function like io.Copy(w io.Writer, r io.Reader) can be a perfect example of such a higher-level abstraction - it's a succinct at devtime and efficient at runtime way to move some bytes from the origin r to the destination w.

But conciseness often comes at a price, especially in the case of I/O handling - getting a sneak peek at the data that's being passed around becomes much trickier in the code that relies on the Reader and Writer abstractions.

So, is there an easy way to see the data that comes out of readers or goes into writers without a significant code restructure or an introduction of temporary variables?

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How To Call Kubernetes API from Go - Types and Common Machinery

The official Kubernetes Go client comes loaded with high-level abstractions - Clientset, Informers, Cache, Scheme, Discovery, oh my! When I tried to use it without learning the moving parts first, I ran into an overwhelming amount of new concepts. It was an unpleasant experience, but more importantly, it worsened my ability to make informed decisions in the code.

So, I decided to unravel client-go for myself by taking a thorough look at its components.

But where to start? Before dissecting client-go itself, it's probably a good idea to understand its two main dependencies - and modules. It'll simplify the main task, but that's not the only benefit. These two modules were factored out for a reason - they can be used not only by clients but also on the server-side or by any other piece of software dealing with Kubernetes objects.

How to learn Kubernetes API Go client.

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