Explaining async/await in 200 lines of code

In the previous article, we learned how to implement a simple but workable event loop. However, programs which are supposed to be run by the event loop are full of callbacks. This is the usual problem of event-loop-driven environments. When business logic becomes reasonably complicated, callbacks make program's code hardly readable and painfully maintainable. And the callback hell begins! There is plenty of ways to deal with the artificial complexity arose due to callbacks, but the most impressive one is to make the code great flat again. And by flat, I mean callback-less and synchronous-like. Usually, it's done by introducing async/await syntactic feature. But every high-level abstraction is built on top of some basic and fundamental ideas. Let's check the async/await sugar out and see what exactly happens under the hood.

Callbacks vs. async/await (code excerpt).

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Node.js Writable streams distilled

Writable streams are an abstraction for a destination to which data is written... And this time it's a concise abstraction! Compared to vague readable streams (multiple operation modes behind single abstraction) writable streams implement only one mode and hence expose only one essential method write(chunk). Nevertheless, the idea of writable streams is not trivial and it's due to one nice feature it provides - backpressure. Let's try to wrap our mind around writable stream abstraction.

Producer–Consumer problem visualization.

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Node.js Readable streams distilled

Readable stream is an abstraction for some data source. Which could be hard to grasp and even harder to use...

Everybody knows that readable streams support two modes of operating (flowing and paused) and piping to writable streams. It's not that easy to understand the purposes of these mechanisms and behavioral differences though. Since one readable stream abstraction stands for multiple usage modes its public interface (i.e. the set of methods and events) is a bit inconsistent. Usage of readable streams might be totally confusing without the understanding of the underlying ideas. In this article, we will make an attempt to justify the abstraction of readable streams trying to implement our own file reader. Also, we will have a look at some nicer ways to consume readable streams.

Node.js readable streams - pull and push modes.

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