Go, HTTP handlers, panic, and deadlocks

Maybe the scenario I'm going to describe is just a silly bug no seasoned Go developer would ever make, but it is what it is.

I'm not an expert in Go but I do write code in this language from time to time. My cumulative number of LOC is probably still below 100 000 but it's definitely not just a few hundred lines of code. Go always looked like a simple language to me. But also it looked safe. Apparently, it's not as simple and safe as I've thought...

Here is a synthetic piece of code illustrating the erroneous logic I stumbled upon recently:

// main.go
package main

import (

func main() {
    mutex := &sync.Mutex{}

    f := func() {
        fmt.Println("In f()")

        defer func() {
            if r := recover(); r != nil {
                fmt.Println("Recovered", r)

        dogs := []string{"Lucky"}

        fmt.Println("Last dog's name is", dogs[len(dogs)])


    fmt.Println("About to get a deadlock in main()")

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Exploring Kubernetes Operator Pattern

I've been using Kubernetes for almost a year now and, to be honest, I like the experience so far. Most of my use cases were rather trivial and thanks to its declarative approach, Kubernetes makes deploying and scaling stateless services pretty simple. I usually just describe my application in a YAML file as a set of interconnected services, feed it to Kubernetes, and let the built-in control loops bring the state of the cluster closer to the desired state by creating or destroying some resources for me automagically.

However, many times I've heard that the real power of Kubernetes is in its extensibility. Kubernetes brings a lot of useful automation out of the box. But it also provides extension points that can be used to customize Kubernetes capabilities. The cleverness of the Kubernetes design is that it encourages you to keep the extensions feel native! So when I stumbled upon the first few Kubernetes Operators on my Ops way, I could not even recognize that I'm dealing with custom logic...

In this article, I'll try to take a closer look at the Operators pattern, see which Kubernetes parts are involved in operators implementation, and what makes operators feel like first-class Kubernetes citizens. Of course, with as many pictures as possible.

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Writing Web Server in Python: sockets

What is a web server?

Let's start by answering the question: What is a web server?

First off, it's a server (no pun intended). A server is a process [sic] serving clients. Surprisingly or not, a server has nothing to do with hardware. It's just a regular piece of software run by an operating system. Like most other programs around, a server gets some data on its input, transforms data in accordance with some business logic, and then produces some output data. In the case of a web server, the input and output happen over the network via Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). For a web server, the input consists of HTTP requests from its clients - web browsers, mobile applications, IoT devices, or even other web services. And the output consists of HTTP responses, oftentimes in form of HTML pages, but other formats are also supported.

Client talking to server over network

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Making Sense Out Of Cloud Native Buzz

I've been trying to wrap my head around the tremendous growth of the Cloud Native zoo for quite some time. But recently I was listening to a wonderful podcast episode with the Linkerd creator Thomas Rampelberg and he kindly reminded me one thing about... microservices. Long story short, despite the common belief that microservices solve technical problems, the most appealing part of the microservice architecture apparently has something to do with solving organisational problems such as allocating teams to development areas or tackling software modernisation campaigns. And on the contrary, while helping with the org problems, microservices rather create new technical challenges!

Disclaimer: This article is not about Microservices vs Monolith.

That made me rethink the need for all those projects constituting the Cloud Native landscape. From now on I can't help but see an awful load of projects solving all kinds of technical problems originated by the transition to the microservice paradigm.

Cloud Native landscape.

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Service Discovery in Kubernetes: Combining the Best of Two Worlds

Before jumping to any Kubernetes specifics, let's talk about the service discovery problem in general.

What is Service Discovery

In the world of web service development, it's a common practice to run multiple copies of a service at the same time. Every such copy is a separate instance of the service represented by a network endpoint (i.e. some IP and port) exposing the service API. Traditionally, virtual or physical machines have been used to host such endpoints, with the shift towards containers in more recent times. Having multiple instances of the service running simultaneously increases its availability and helps to adjust the service capacity to meet the traffic demand. On the other hand, it also complicates the overall setup - before accessing the service, a client (the term client is intentionally used loosely here; oftentimes a client of some service is another service) needs to figure out the actual IP address and the port it should use. The situation becomes even more tricky if we add the ephemeral nature of instances to the equation. New instances come and existing instances go because of the non-zero failure rate, up- and downscaling, or maintenance. That's how a so-called service discovery problem arises.

Service discovery problem

Service discovery problem.

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