On Software Design... and Good Writing

Today, I came across a true gem: Akin's Laws of Spacecraft Design. Originally written for the aerospace engineering domain. I find many parts of it relevant for software engineers as well. Below, I share my thoughts on the Laws that resonate most with my experience as a software designer and tech blogger.

As it often happens, I discovered it through Matt Rickard's newsletter.

What DALL-E thinks the image for this blog post should look like.

What DALL-E thinks the image for this blog post should look like.

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My 10 Years of Programming Experience

Regardless of whether it's the end of the calendar decade or not it's the end of a programming decade for me. I started early in 2010 and since then I've been programming almost every day, including weekends and vacations. This was a really exciting period in my life and I realized that it's been a while since 2010 only recently. So, I decided to put into words some of my learnings from that time. Warning: the content of this article is highly opinionated and extremely subjective.

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